Everlasting Comfort – Chair Armrest Pads

A teacher’s classroom — one of the most important rooms in our nation.

A teacher has one of the greatest responsibilities of making a difference.

A teacher’s task is to initiate the learning process and then get out of the way.

John Warren

Being a teacher is one of the hardest things that I have ever done but it’s also the most rewarding. There have been days when I questioned my occupation but the thought of my students quickly helped the negativity dissipate. I may rant when I get home at times but by the time I’m waking up the next morning I’m full of anticipation of what the day holds. Being a teacher is hard; it requires patience and sometimes I feel my patience wearing thin. I know all teachers understand these feelings and I am not alone. There is nothing that I would rather be doing than teaching. The fact that I am impacting so many lives is frightening but I love the challenge. As an educator, I am preparing students for a world that they haven’t even really experienced yet.

As a teacher, I spend what feels like 95% of the day in my classroom. A big majority of that is spent at my desk grading papers, prepping lessons, charting, giving quizzes and overseeing tests. If you’re gonna be somewhere for a while, you might as well make yourself at home and be comfortable, right? For this I was so excited when Everlasting Comfort sent me a free gift again — Chair Armrest Pads.

These things are great! They have adjustable straps on them so they can fit any style of chair arms and removable covers for easy wash. They have premium memory foam with a cooling gel pad. At first I thought they were super hard but they were so cold from being in the mail box all day that it made the gel hard. Once they got warmed up they were just fine. When you can really feel the difference is when they are actually being used. Just feeling of them they may not seem like they would be comfortable but I have been very impressed with them now that I have worked a whole day with them being on my chair. They do beat having hard arm rests by far. It almost makes setting at my desk a little more fun.

You have the opportunity to try these out for yourself by using my code (simplylenas) and getting 20% off your purchase! It’s not only for these armrest pads but for any purchase made on the website! They are a great company with so many awesome, good quality products that will help make your life that much more comfortable.

Have fun shopping!!


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