Mother’s Day 2022

I thought about not sharing anything this Mothers Day just because I remember then pain of the day.

Then I remembered the Hope of my miracle.

I know today is hard. You have to set through the church service as all mothers are celebrated and your heart is aching.

Friend, I have been right there. This year I am crying tears of thankfulness but also tears of sadness because I understand the heart ache that the day brings. My prayers have been full for the hearts of ladies longing to be called Momma.

For years I dreaded this day too but through Hope the dread has turned into delight.

I pray that you have a renewed Hope today in your heart. I pray that your next tears are tears of joy. I pray that your promise is confirmed. I pray that you attain strength in your journey.

Becoming a Mother had been the desire of my heart for so long and now that I get to experience it, it feels like a delightful dream that I can’t believe is reality.

I’m taking every moment and trying to teach him as he helps me learn too. I’m taking in all the moments and exhaling thankfulness to God while my heart remembers the painful days and those who are still waiting. Mother’s Day has been an emotional day for the past several years and still remains to be this year too for different reasons though now. My season has changed but my heart remembers.

Today, I remember the aching hearts and I pray that the Heart Healer wraps up you up in His loving arms.

Hannah understood the pain and heart ache too. I encourage you to read her story in I Samuel today.

For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him:

I Samuel 1:27

📸 Mother’s Day Photo Session with Photos By Dae:

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